Maintaining diversity of live plants within the soil is key to development of soil
structure and ultimately soil health. Keeping a live root in the ground provides habitat for microbes to flourish. This is where a no-till drill comes in handy. Often producers want
to add legumes or other species to their pasture or hay lands. Rather than tilling the soil, which destroys the structures that plant roots and microbes have developed, these species can be introduced with a no-till drill.
Target Areas:
Select areas within the Clearwater River, Mississippi River and Wild Rice River watershed are eligible for cost sharing if the program requirements are met.
Cost Share Program Requirements:
1. No-till planting or aeration sites must have existing cover. Already tilled sites are NOT eligible (cover crops are allowed to be tilled).
2. SWCD District equipment is not required for eligibility as long as practice standards are met.
3. Applicants already incorporating specific no-till practice in their operation are NOT eligible.
Program Guidelines
Complete program guidelines and implementation details can be obtained by contacting Clearwater SWCD. (218) 694-6845 x4
Cost share is limited to 120 acres per applicant per year.
Soils tests are required to receive cost share payment. Soil test cost share is also available.
Rent the aerator to loosen soil compaction and allow water, air and fertilizer to infiltrate the soil and establish a healthy root system.
Rent the pull behind sprayer to spray unwanted plants with herbicide before using our No-till Drill.
The No-till Drill is available to rent for $14 per acre with a minimum charge of $140.
The Aerator is available to rent for $10 per acre with a minimum charge of $100.
The Sprayer is available to rent for $7 per acre with a minimum charge of $70.
Operational Assistance:
Clearwater SWCD staff provides hands on guidance in regard to the proper use of all of our soil health rental equipment.
We will deliver and pick up the drill, help with calibration and help with any operational questions that might arise.
In the same way we also provide delivery/pick up of the aerator and sprayer with assistance with the how-to basics of operation.